Tune in on Monday the 8th of September 2008.
At 24:00 Amsterdam-time.
Tune in on Monday the 29th of September 2008.
At 22:00 Amsterdam-time.
Tune in on Monday the 13th of October 2008.
At 24:00 Amsterdam-time.
Tune in on Monday the 10th of November 2008.
At 24:00: Amsterdam-time.
Tune in on Monday the 8th of December 2008.
At 24:00: Amsterdam-time.
(Live Audio, Radio On Demand and Podcasts; High Quality)
Also by satellite, digitenne and DAB-radio.
Every program is an adventurous journey through the world of new extreme music.
A 1 hour special, a two hour theme-program or a 5 hour night broadcasting of pure sound,
with no disturbing announcements and adverts.
Soundsculptures related to a theme, a label, a musician or a composer.
As music consumer, musician and producer for about 40 years I’ve a great interest in strange, obscure and extreme music. I’ve been part of the cassette-network in the eighties and a musician in the Dutch modern jazz scene, avant-garde and rock scene over the last 35 years. At this moment I’m working as a musical adviser for Dutch Music Libraries and as radio-producer, for the CONCERTZENDER and RADIO 6. For the CONCERTZENDER I’ve planned to do theme-programs in which labels, musicians and music-magazines will get an one or two hour presentation. I will create a soundscape format (58/114 min.) by using the collage-technique. So I’m not only producing the program, but will do the mixing (broadcasting) and press information (magazine/website text) as well. I contact the labels or artists I find interesting. When I have gathered enough (promotion)material to create a various soundscape, I mix the program in real time. When people add voice-info to their promotion material I even decide if it’s usable to be mixed through the program.
All music will be administrated and credits will go to the label and/or artists involved.
About the music itself. Any kind of music can fit into the program. The main goal for me is to pay attention to music that hardly can be heard on radio, difficult to find in CD-shops/Music-shops. Because I hear so much beautiful music, that it’s a pity that no one knows it exists.
So I suggest, you make a promotional package, with those things of which you think will be interesting for a new audience to hear.
And if you want your products back, after they have been used. No problem.
You can have them in return. Just ask for it!
Otherwise they will stay in the CONCERTZENDER archive.
Also I send you a copy of the radio-program itself and the date the programme will be broadcasted on radio and the internet. After broadcasting any time people can listen to your program with
“Radio on Demand” (the Concertzender Podcast service).
If you are interested in finding a new stage
to perform your music
send me some of your work on CD.
So, suddenly you can hear your music on Dutch radio.
Hessel Veldman
Velserduinweg 52c
1971 ZE IJmuiden
The Netherlands
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